Ann Rocks UK

This is

This is Ann...

Ann was born in London in 1983 (and is technically a cockney). At the age of four, her family moved to the Highlands of Scotland. Growing up there, and with more than a little help from her Dad, who brought her up on rock'n'roll classics and taught her how to play guitar, Ann discovered her passion for singing and writing music.

Ann had her first 'shot' in a professional recording studio at the tender age of 15, and decided she liked it. After finishing school, she left home to study at university, continuing to write and perform at regular open mic sets, honing her talent and taking it to fresh new levels.

Ann now lives in Manchester city centre, and loves it! She continues to follow her love of music, and sings lead vocal for classic rock covers band 5th Element, gigging with them all over the north west of England. You can hear Ann belting out some tunes with 5th Element at but if you want to hear some of her original work, then stick around, 'cos that's kinda what this website is for!

Have fun......!

© Ann Richardson 2009
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